Durable products for easy green living'Making green living easier' is our motto, quite literally: making it easier to surround yourself with greenery, as well as figuratively speaking: how to make more sustainable choices in our everyday.
We're always looking for creative ways to build a sustainable and green living environment for ourselves and spend a lot of time researching how to make that easier.
Sometimes it can be as simple as learning which flowers are in season, or as storing your fruit differently, other times we lovingly go into full research mode. |
We love to share the things we discover and the inspiring stories we come across.
This page will be added to regularly, so visit often for fresh posts and feel free to get in touch with your input. A greener world is best grown together! |
Flowers & flowercareSeasonal flowers and flowercare tips 'n tricks
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Indoor greenery: PlantcareSurround yourself with greenery
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A sustainable everydayAvoiding food waste, sustainable household tips
Easy Green givingBest sustainable & creative gifts
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Green productivitytips for sustainable productivity
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Worth your timeRead and watch this about sustainability