Why Microgreens?
Microgreens are vegetable greens harvested just after the first leaves have developed.
Microgreens come in all sorts of shapes and colors and are packed with flavor and vitamins. Depending on the variety, the concentration of vitamin C, vitamin K, Bèta Carotene and anti-oxidants can be up to 40 times as high as the adult plant (<source>). Because Microgreens are eaten raw and you can harvest them fresh in house, little of the nutritional value is lost during preparation. |
Microgreens can be grown year-round, right inside your home. All the seeds need to grow is warmth, light and water.
Because of their distinct flavor and many different varieties, microgreens have become increasingly popular in the culinary world in recent years. Microgreens make great garnishes and salads, but can also be a fine addition to a cheese sandwich or wrap, a healthy flavor boost in a smoothie or the finishing touch to create a restaurant experience in your own home. |
!Caution! In rare cases the filled water globe can act as a magnifying glass for sun rays, do not place in full sun.
Patella Crescenda How-to1. Arrange the set: place the terracotta base in the centre of the dish and add both growth disks.
2. Fill the glass reservoir and set in place
3. The vacuum inside the reservoir controls the water level: lift up slightly to make it level with the top of the growth disks.
4. Sow your seeds directly onto the perforated circles in the stainless steel growth disks
5. Watch the plants grow a little bit every day! Depending on the variety, you can harvest your microgreens after about 5 days.
Enjoy your meal!
About the Patella CrescendaDuring our Poma/Olera research, we learned a lot about storing fresh fruits and vegetables and became even more interested in growing fresh healthy and nutritious things ourselves.
Maintaining a vegetable garden takes a lot of time and space, and you only have harvest for a small portion of the year. But there's another way to grow your own vitamins: with micro greens. (read all about them up here) No waste & conveniently healthyThere are various cultivation systems for greens in circulation, often consisting of a dish with a mesh that needs to be watered daily with a plant sprayer.
This proved to be a challenge with us: accidentally skip watering for a day and the young sprout quickly drops its head. Just try to get that dried-out sprout out of the mesh then. Many systems also use a base or substrate that only lasts one time, or make you purchase specially prepared germination seed-packs for each new growth cycle. Not only does the Patella Crescenda have a reservoir that you only have to fill once per cycle, the stainless steel growth discs are super easy to clean and can be used time and time again, simply with loose seeds. What's also fun: the discs are designed so that you can grow different types of microgreens side by side. Which variety is your favorite? |
As featured in...
"The many benefits of the Patella Crescenda"
"Sprouting microgreens in no-time with the Patella"
"An ingenious dish"
"teaches us a sustainable alternative (...)"
Patella Crescenda